How to treat "Ifo" EZCEMA as a student.

It can be rather frustrating as a student to check the mirror and find out some discoloring patches on your pretty or handsome face. Sometimes it's due to the activities you have been involving yourself in of late, or it might be due to your lack of hygiene due to being "busy". Whatever it is, Ifo (as it is called in Yoruba) is not just the best way to pay for it, don't you agree?

It is said to be caused by much sweat and less cleansing of the sweat. It happens more to guys who do not take bathing every morning seriously and those who sweat a lot and allow it to get dried on their faces by itself. It might also be a sign of Puberty but that is less common as it can happen to people of various ages. Also, it can be the effect of body creams especially bleaching creams. That's  why you see a lot of ladies who have been using a particular cream and stopped using it with scar like ezcema on their bodies.

As said by Wikipedia......
" The cause of eczema is unknown but is presumed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
The hygiene hypothesis postulates that the cause of asthma, eczema, and other allergic diseases is an unusually clean environment. It is supported by epidemiologic studies for asthma. The hypothesis states that exposure to bacteria and other immune system modulators is important during development, and missing out on this exposure increases risk for asthma and allergy.
While it has been suggested that eczema may sometimes be an allergic reaction to the excrement from house dust mites,with up to 5% of people showing antibodies to the mites, the overall role this plays awaits further corroboration.
Researchers have compared the prevalence of eczema in people who also suffer from celiac disease to eczema prevalence in control subjects, and have found that eczema occurs about three times more frequently in celiac disease patients and about two times more frequently in relatives of celiac patients, potentially indicating a genetic link between the two conditions."

So, How do you treat Ifo- Eczema?

 Eczema can be treated in alot of ways, but I'll just mention the ones that can easily be used by you as a student.

  • By using various creams for the treatment such as Clotriderm, Tribotan, Liby, etc. Some hair creams are also known to work for the treatment such as 

    Also you can treat it by natural means by allowing your face to inhale in warm moisture in the mornings and keeping an handkerchief close to you all through the day as the causative organism is known to grow more using sweat as it food- actually, it's the sugar in the sweat that it goes for.

    You can also treat it by keeping a better personal hygiene, take your bath at least once daily or twice; wash your face and keep it free of sweat all through the day.

    You can start applying your antiseptic soaps on your face for 15-20 minutes everyday before bathing, it helps alot too.

     You can sahre how you are or have treated yours and let others benefit.