How Nigerian students can help Nigeria

Over the years, Nigeria has undergone several reforms in making it a
better country, but it seems to get worse by the day. The notion of a
new Nigeria is not about breaking it down like the biblical temple, but
a revived, refreshed, reinvigorated, reorganized, refined, and reordered
Nigeria. A new Nigeria is not an inexperienced or unaccustomed
country but a reliable, self-sufficient and developed country -- a
Nigeria we can all be proud of. Every citizen of Nigeria, men and
women, the young and old hold the key to a successful redevelopment
as it is said, 'every part of a tree contributes to its existence'. This
essay seeks to focus on the role of Nigeria students (being educated
at one citadel of learning or the other) in the creation of a new and
better Nigeria.
The first step in creating a new Nigeria is creating a revived spirit in
students -- an optimistic mind that believes Nigeria can actually get
better. Like the popular saw, 'Rome was not built in a day', The
process of recreation is definitely not a day's job and every student
needs to understand this fact. The revival process won't come as a
miracle, but one of cutting, recutting and sowing a cloth to bring forth
a beautiful product. They need to renew their faith in Nigeria, that the
dilapidated can be rebuilt, the wastelands can still be productive, that
water can come out of the barren land and a good thing can actually
come from Nazareth.
Nigerian students need to understand the essence of self-
empowerment and sufficiency. Of the crisis facing Nigeria today,
unemployment stands as a major thorn in the flesh as thousands of
school graduates are out searching for jobs. It is no longer news, that
the available jobs are not enough and is therefore a battle among the
fittest. To solve this situation, it is important that students strive for
excellence to become employable and rather than rely on getting a
job after school, they should take initiatives and work on building
successful businesses which will in turn create jobs for others.
Innovativeness together with vision is very essential, and requires that
they think out of the box, planning extensively ahead, rather than live
only for the present.
A new Nigeria means a safer Nigeria, a country where people can live
in freedom and absolute peace of mind. To build that nation, students
must shun all acts of cultism, thuggery, hooliganism and other forms
of unruly and violent behaviours. Nigerian students must adopt a
dialogical rather than diabolical approach when it comes to solving
problems. It is said 'violence beget violence', which is why the
destruction of lives and properties during protest will do more harm
than good in developing a safe and habitable country and must be
shunned at all cost. If Nigeria is ever going to get better, students
must live as responsible and law-abiding citizens. By joining
voluntary organizations and aiding in community service and
development, helping to enforce law, order and cleanliness, Nigeria is
on its way to becoming a greater nation.
Building a corrupt-free country, one with integrity is a responsibility
of every students. A bad reputation corruption has been for our dear
country, a result of desperate individuals who want to make money
and wealth through all nooks, crannies and selfish interests. Fraud,
bribery, and all forms of examination malpractices must be avoided at
all cost and understand that good success and wealth never come
easy but a result of hard work, preparation, patience, perseverance,
and prayer. It may be tough to succeed, but it is definitely not
impossible as Nigeria is blessed with enough resources to aid in the
The new Nigeria of our dreams is one without corruption,
A country where the young and old can live in peace with other,
A country where the children of the poor will no longer live on the
food crumbles of the rich,
A country where its citizens strive for excellence in all,
A country where poverty and unemployment will be of the past,
A country where all the tribes and states will support each other in
A country where the leaders have the love of the people at heart,
That is the the Nigeria of our dreams.