15 Raw facts about the Internet you don't know

There are some internet facts that most internet users don't
know, as a matter of fact you reading this probably don't
know these internet facts.
1.The world's first domain name; Symbolics.com
2. The world's first website was created in 1991 by Tim
3. First YouTube video was Title 'me at the zoo! and was
uploaded on the 23rd of April 2005 by a co-founder of
youtube Jawed karim.
4. The YouTube copyright software scans 100 years of
videos a day(video length)
5. One of six marriages started from the internet,the couple
met on the internet
6. there are over 1 billion websites
7. 37 percent of the internet is p.orn
8. over 100,000 dot com domains are registered daily
9. Facebook has over 1.2 billion active users thats about
17% of world's population
10. First photo Uploaded on the internet, I call it the mother
of ingtagram.
11. 16% of the world's daily Google search have never been
seen before
12. The country with the highest percentage of internet
users is Sweden, 75%
13. The internet is growing excessively by the size of over
250 million DVDs, by 1 exabyte daily. don't be suprised if the
internet explodes tomorrow.
14.Gangnam Style by PSY most viewed video on YouTube.
The music video has over 2,363,287,905 views on YouTube
15. only a meager 4% of the internet is can be accessed
with your conventional browser.
all your normal browsers; chrome, firefox, IE, opera,
maxthon can only access this 4% the remaining 96% is for
those who how.